Sunday, July 21, 2013

A small update

Not much has happened since the first post, aside from some "prep" before this whole project gets its first big start.

First and foremost, I've attended a local miniature enthusiast group's public display and got the chance to speak with a few of their members. They're all lovely, friendly, and most importantly equally enthusiastic about miniatures as I am. They had some very helpful information to offer, including various things covered about their group which I have every intention of checking out in a more appropriate setting and perhaps becoming a member.
Their displays were all amazing and inspiring, and I believe that having the opportunity to see the wonderful creations has further stoked my desire to see this project to completion.

Actually pertaining to said project, we've obtained the platforms that the model will be mounted on. We've opted to have a single base in which the rooms slot into, perhaps on pegs, while each room has its own platform that the room is build upon cut to shape so each room fits together like a puzzle upon the main board.

Before we can begin I have to touch up the various design to include the extra rooms (Lavatories) which is problematic because the design is so solid that it adds little wiggle room to just slap on an extra room without the whole design being altered. Still, I'm sure I can make it work.

Currently I'm trying to figure out how to do the ceiling/"roof". Since the design for Bag End is very organic and flowing, it's not possible to simple say "Okay, we'll cut the roof off at this height all around." because then you would end up with hallways that still have roofing over them, or conversely windows cut in half. Rather I'm thinking that the ceiling will have to come apart at different heights and be as organic as Bag End itself is.

This is going to prove interesting though, when you also include the "earth" that exists between the rooms. How will that be affected by the varying cut-off heights? I have yet to figure out a solution for that problem in particular, but I'm working on it.

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